Contact Us

Suggest a Service

We welcome any suggestions for additional website referral programs we can integrate into our platform. Just fill out the below form to add your suggestion to our review queue.

Report Abuse

If you see a code that is inappropriate, misleading, or otherwise violates our guidelines, please report it by clicking the "Report" button on the code page. We'll review the report and take appropriate action.

Sponsor a Featured Code!

We rent a single space on our homepage on a first-come, first-serve basis contingent on content and quality review. Typically we rent the space by the calendar day and it is shown to all site visitors during the rented period. You can use this space to present a code or url to our users along with a short call to action message and a hyperlink button to your service. Right now, we process requests for purchasing featured-code space on our homepage manually. You can reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

This is a great way to get your referral code in front of a large audience of users who you know find referral codes compelling or to redirect users who may be on the cusp of signing up for a competing service to your own platform. We believe simple self-hosted advertising like this is a win-win for user privacy and results in much higher conversion rates at more predictable costs for advertisers. We're excited to work with you!

All Other Inquiries

For any other questions or issues, please reach out to us directly at [email protected]. We'll get back to you as soon as we can!