About Share The Codes

What is this website for?

Many applications and websites encourage customers to recruit additional users through referral codes. These codes often give benefits to both parties.
The goal of this site is to provide a simple, fast, and fair way to share and search for these codes. We want to be the best place on the web to find and share referral codes for any service.

How do you pick the codes that are shown?

Fairness is a key design element. We select codes randomly from the submission pool, but codes that get more upvotes and fewer reports/downvotes are slightly more likely to be selected. By favoring submissions that previous users liked, we make it more likely that people come back to our site when signing up for services. By incorporating randomness, we prevent fake downvotes from killing a submission and make it likely that all codes get shown eventually.

Why not just use [platform/forum/subreddit] instead?

There are lots of great referral code sharing communities out there. However, they often have a few drawbacks:
- Forums tend to be hard to curate, so you get stale codes and spam.
- Users who post codes first or last get the most benefit since those are most likely to be seen.
- Search is often very poor so it's hard to find a code for a specific service.
- Your code is shown to bots and crawlers without rate-limits, so it's more likely to be abused or deactivated.

How do I add a code?

Search on the home page for the service you want to add a code for. On the service page, there is a button to make a new submission.

Can I add a code for a service that's not listed?

Not yet! We want to make sure that the site is easy to use and that we can moderate the content effectively before allowing arbitrary service submissions. However, you can suggest that we add new services to our list through the "Contact" link at the top of the page. We welcome all suggestions!

Can I add a description to my code?

Yes! This is a good way to tell users if your code is restricted to certain conditions (e.g. get $30 after spending $30, or get your first scooter ride for free).

Am I allowed to share my code here?

It's always a good idea to check the terms of service for the code you're sharing. We're not affiliated with any of the services listed on this site and can't guarantee that sharing their codes in this way is allowed. That said, referral chains have been around for a long time on major web forums. We believe that sharing codes in this way is in the spirit of the codes and that it's a great way to help people discover new services.

Can you take my app of your list?

We're willing to remove any service from our list if the service owner requests it. Please use the "Contact" link at the top of the page to get in touch with us. Of course, we belive this site is beneficial to the services featured! It's a great way to get your brand in front of an audience of people who find referral codes compelling (and who might be searching for a referral to your competitors).

How do you make money?

Right now, I don't! I built this site because I thought it would be a fun project that I'd enjoy using. If hosting costs get too high, I might add featured listings on the front page or third-party ads but I want to do so in a way that doesn't compromise the user experience or violate user privacy. If you represent a brand and would be interested in experimenting with a featured code on the homepage, reach out via the contact link above.

Can you remove my code?

We're happy to remove any code from our list if you request it and can verify it was your submission. Please use the "Contact" link at the top of the page to get in touch with us.